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[ b r e a d ]


[ q u i c k  b r e a d ]

     caramelized banana bread

     banana walnut bread 

     blueberry banana bread  

     matcha streusel coffee cake


     pumpkin bread [ fall special ]











[ m i l k  b r e a d ]

     white milk bread


      50% whole wheat milk bread

     black sesame babka / sticky rolls [ vietnamese coffee glaze ]


    scallion pancake challah




p e r  l o a f























p e r  l o a f







m i n i  l o a f



$8 for 2

$9 for 2

$9.5 for 2

$10 for 2

$10 for 2

m i n i  r o l l s 








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  • @saltandlightbakingco

website designed by emily davenport

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